
Tempting Surabaya's Food

Surabaya cuisine famous across the nation because it has a distinctive taste. The use of a variety of different vegetables and sauce flavor make dishes from there could publish the saliva of the beholder.
Wealth of culinary treasures in Indonesia has long been recognized. Not only in the country, even foreign tourists willing to visit this island nation to enjoy a variety of delicious dishes. No exception in the city of Surabaya. The capital of East Java who was given the nickname City of Heroes is storing comestible extraordinary legacy.Maybe you just know cingur salad. But the real cuisine of Surabaya has a long list. All tasty and delicious taste not two, which makes people to addiction. Moreover, any kind of food is easily obtained, either at the street vendors as well as a fine dining restaurant with affordable prices. Let's say you enjoy racing lontong. This is a dish that looks like a soup. Inside are a few pieces of rice cake, lentho (meatball from cassava and peanuts are fried), dry fried tofu, and bean sprouts seasoned with chili paste.
Then watered sauce bean sprouts are cooked with its own flavor. We can eat it with scallops satay and sambal chili sauce. Almost similar to lontong racing, there are lontong kikil. Consisting of sliced ​​beef leg meat that has been cooked until tender. Sauce sprinkled with a typical kitchen spice.
"More complete if kikil beef served in a state of hot and accompanied by a number of sliced ​​rice cake. This snack can be a delicious belly booster, "said Aji Laddy Susanti, Acid Salts restaurant owner who serves typical cuisine of East Java.Besides the two dishes above, Surabaya also has served with sambal pecel overlap. Pecelnya be a mixture of vegetables such as lamtorogung, kenikir leaves, bean sprouts, long beans, winged bean, and petai china. Meanwhile, says Susan, sambal tempe semangit overlap comes from, namely tempe fermentation exceeded, but not yet rotten. This is offset by the smells kencur and sliced ​​lime leaves are truly stunning. If combined, this dish becomes a delicious meal.
You also must try to know tek. Foods that one is clearly no less delicious with a dish that has been mentioned above. Know tek consists of rice cake, tofu, and fried potatoes. Then the material is cut into small bite size using a scissors with a distinctive rhythm. Then on top of it sprinkled a mixture of paste and peanut sauce, of course. After that, sprinkled with tiny sprouts and crackers. In Jakarta, this dish can be found by knowing the name of scissors.
If food from Surabaya that has been mentioned yet satisfy your taste buds desire, may be able to enjoy rawon. The name of this menu may already be familiar. Although known as the East Javanese cuisine (such as Surabaya), rawon known also by the society to the east of Central Java (Surakarta).
Rawon usually a meat soup with herbs typical black color because they contain fruit or kepayang kluwek. Kluwek is a tree that grows wild or half wild.
"Gravy-like tongseng, but with a distinctive flavor rawon," said Chef Hendro Soejadi, a Head Cuisine Creator in foodies.
Meat for rawon generally beef cut small. Typically, said Hendro, the meat used is part of the thigh because the aroma and uratnya causing more sensation while enjoying it.
Discussing the fine cuisine of Surabaya yet if it did not mention cingur salad. Actually, said Hendro, cuisine is similar to the gado-gado. Only, in addition to vegetables, various fruits are also used commonly dirujak. For example bendoyo or Krai (a type of cucumber stew) and yam. Or can also use kedondong peeled. The difference is again, in a salad cingur also used a few pieces cingur or meat from the cow lips. Another peculiarity is the sense petisnya cingur salad. Peanut sauce mixed with shrimp paste until the color is black.

source: (http://www.okefood.com/read/2011/03/15/299/435231/hidangan-surabaya-yang-menggoda)
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