
Waiting Arrested Chicken - Ayam Ditangkap, marinade Prepared

Aceh Nanggroesalam - ureung (people) of Aceh have pride for fried chicken dish a very distinctive and is currently popular. Nomenclature catching chicken is actually born from a joke of guests who book this typical fried chicken in restaurants. Usually, the guests have to wait long enough until chicken is served. So long, guests often ask the waiter: "Where's the fried chicken? How long ago? The chicken was arrested, huh?"
Understandably, this menu is to be prepared a la minute. Once the guest book, so the kitchen had to immediately prepare it from scratch. Indeed, it does not mean that the chicken should be arrested first. However, should a new marinade, and chicken must be marinated in spices for 10-15 minutes to absorb.
Actually, catching is not a recipe chicken heritage that has been handed down from generation to generation. Cuisine that is now a culinary icon Aceh is a new creativity, but it reflects a very distinctive culinary gagrak Aceh.
Seasonings including minimalist. However, the success of this dish depends on cooking techniques - especially how to fry. If the balance is not correct seasoning, and fry the wrong way, then this dish is like no ordinary fried chicken.
Pieces of fresh chicken marinated (marinasi) in simple spices, namely: red onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, tamarind, and turmeric. Spices blended in a raw state, then diluted with warm water. This liquid seasoning used to soak the chicken pieces for 10-15 minutes.
Frying technique is also very crucial. In restaurants in Aceh, typically used a large skillet with cooking oil very much. The oil should be boiled before it entered the chicken pieces. The number of pieces that included chicken should not be too much. By the ripe, put pieces of pandan leaves, bay leaves Koja (temurui), and green chillies.
The result is a very tasty fried chicken, very tender and juicy, and very fragrant. Aroma temurui and pandan leaf is very evocative taste. Mak nyuss!
Restaurant which is considered as the pioneer of chickens caught in Banda Aceh is Cut Deck. Until now RM Cut Deck still managed to maintain its popularity as a provider of quality and the best catch chickens. But now more and more other restaurants are following in the footsteps Cut Deck. One of which is presumed to champion is RM Aceh Rayeuk.
Because chicken is comfort food for almost all Indonesian people, do not be surprised if people liked the chicken catching fast. Of all the fried chicken dish Nusantara, chicken catching arguably as one of the best.

 source: (http://food.detik.com/read/2011/03/14/144140/1591175/908/menunggu-ayam-ditangkap-bumbunya-disiapkan)
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